ITMG 494 Assignments Page

Assignment One (20 points) due 7 sept 2017

In class assignment (25 points) 12 sept 2017

Assignment Two (30 points)  Project Selection Assignment due 26 sept 2017

Assignment Three (30 points) Create a list/timeline of activities that would be necessary to conduct a Halloween Party (due 28 Sept 2017)

Assignment Four (25 points) Halloween party timeline 2


Exam One (100 points) due 10 Oct 2017
 Exam One Grading Rubrics

Holiday Challenge


Assignment Five (20 points) due  24 Oct  write up Project Charter
Assignment Six (20 points) due 26 Oct write up column for sunday mass bulletin

Assignment Seven (30 points) due 31 Oct  Excel due 


Assignment EIght Blood Drive One  due 2 nov (40 points)

Assignment Nine Blood Drive Two due 2 nov (40 points)

exam two prep pmgt

pdf of project assignments (assignment 10- 13)
assignment ten bathroom remodel (mpp file) (30 points)
assignment eleven landscaping (mpp file) (30 points)
assignment twelve manufacturing (mpt file)  (30 points)
assignment thirteen convention (mpp file) (30 points)

Assignment Fourteen Blood Drive Activity Report and Personal Contribution Report (100 points)

Using your past progress report provide a timeline description of activities performed, people contacted and a listing of your overall activities/contribution to the project. Your responses will be compared to other's report submission.

Assignment Fifteen Lessons Learned (20 points) provide a written report of what you learned from the project experience, specifically how aspects of the project experience related towards the concepts of project management as discussed in lecture and chapter reading assignments. It is important to be introspective and constructive in your discussion.

FINAL PROJECT (250 points) due 19 December 2017