How to Create
A Switchboard in Access
To begin—what is a switchboard? Simple, it is the graphical
interface you design so people can use your system to assist them with their
particular jobs. This does require a little knowledge (and sometimes guesswork)
in determining what their requirements might be. Conducting personal interviews
when possible with different company employees can diminish this guesswork. The
biggest key is to create a switchboard that is easy to understand, inclusive of
all foreseeable needs, and visually appealing. Once you have conducted the
background information, the creation of the switchboard is an easy process.
Step One Select Tools—Database Utilities—Switchboard
Now if you have never created a Switchboard you will receive
the following message:
At which point you will want to select YES, which will
bring you to the Switchboard Manager screen.
Click on Edit to view the following screen and begin to
create your Switchboard.
Clicking on NEW will provide you with the following
All you will need to do at this point is click on COMMAND,
Select what type of action to engage in and then select the corresponding
FORM/REPORT (if this is what you want to have on your switchboard, ie, if you
want the switchboard to open up the form you created then you will select that
form—however you may want to add an exit button in which you won’t have to
select any switchboard item)
When Completed Click OK and you’ll see the following
Complete this process as many times as you have items you
would like to add to your switchboard. When finished Click on Close—also keep
in mind that you will want to edit the text for each button that you create.
When you are completely finished, after hitting close you
should see the following screen:
To view your Switchboard Click on FORMS—SWITCHBOARD
Congratulations you have successfully created your