Creating an ODBC Connection in Windows 2000


In order to allow others to be able to read and write from your database you need to provide a connection and set permissions allowing them to do so. This tutorial will walk you through the necessary steps to accomplish this task.


Step One – Find the ODBC Connection.

Click on the Start Menu, and Select Control Panel


At this point you will need to select Administrative Tools


After which the following Screen Should appear and you will need to select Data Sources (ODBC)


This will produce the following screen—Select System DSN—then Click ADD


Click on Access Database (or SQL if you have created and SQL Database) and select Finish.


You will then be prompted to specify some parameters, like a name and location for the database



If successful you will see the following screen:


Click OK and then proceed to Windows Explorer as you need to see the permissions so others will have the ability to read and write to your database. Once you have located your database, right click on the database file and select Properties.


The Following Screen should appear:


Click on Security and the following screen will appear


In most cases you will have to add the Internet Guest User Account, this is accomplished by clicking on ADD and scrolling down to find IUSR_MACHINE_NAME, again Click ADD and then OK


At this point you will want to make certain the READ, WRITE, EXECUTE Boxes are Selected.

Click Apply, then OK and you’re ODBC Connection will be established!