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ITMG 440 Information Systems Design and Implementation
Section 1 5:00 - 650PM WED BA 221 Spring 2013


Name:                     Carl M. Rebman Jr., Ph.D.
Office:                     212 Coronado
Phone:                     260-4135 [O]
                                 260-7578 [L]
                                 283-6690 [H]
Office Hours:            T       8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                 W     2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                 TH     1:00 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. AND 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                 Other times by appointment.
Home Page:     

Java Programming Complete Concepts and Techniques, 3rd Edition  by Shelly | Cashman |Starks, Course Technology ISBN: 13: 978-1-4188-5984-8

Active Server Pages 3.0
Active Server Pages 3.0: Your visual blueprint for developing interactive Web sites
Ruth Maran, Ruth Maran
Publisher: Visual
ISBN: 0-76453-472-6   Edition: Paperback; 2000-07-01

Android Boot Camp: For Developers Using Java: Comprehensive by Corinne Hoisington, Course Technology ISBN 978-21-133-59730-9

SAMS Teach Yourself ASP.NET 4 in 24 hours by Scott Mitchell, Pearson, ISBN 978-0-672-33305-7

Adobe Business Catalyst, by West and Uliman, Adobe Press/PeachPit/Pearson ISBN 978-0-321-80957-5

SharePoint 2010, By Grauer Pearson ISBN 978-013-800737-9


Other Readings: Will be placed either on reserve in the main library or handed out in class.


This course develops skills in the design and implementation of object-oriented information systems on a web based platform. Topics include the study of object-oriented programming methods, development of distributed applications, web-based interface design and interactivity with databases. In addition, this course will cover theoretical elements of IS analysis, design, and implementation.

This course assumes that students are familiar with database design and implementation concepts conversant with the rudiments of programming logic. Students should have taken prior to, or be taking ITMG 310 and ITMG 320 at the time of enrolling for this class.


This course introduces you to the principles and implementation of object-oriented systems design through web-based systems development. The Internet is the platform used to develop integrated object-oriented applications with database interactivity. Students design and implement information systems applications using a scripting language such as Java, Javascript, VB Script, Active Server Pages (ASP), and learn about the intricacies of interacting interfaces with local and distributed data objects. Students will expand on knowledge of event-driven systems in an objected oriented environment.

After taking this course you will be able to:


The student is expected to have read materials or completed assignments as listed on the course schedule prior to each class. The class discussions/lectures are intended to illustrate the primary concepts from each section and to provide an opportunity to answer any questions that may result from the readings.


There are NO make-up exams. Students missing a scheduled exam due to a PRE-ARRANGED excused absence will be allowed to take a final exam that will count as 50% of his/her final grade.

Absence in the event of an officially sanctioned University event, in which the student is a participating member, may be excused if the instructor is notified, in writing, by the faculty sponsor (coach, instructor, etc.) of such activity prior to the absence. All other absences are UNEXCUSED, including doctor's excuses.

You, your colleagues, faculty, staff, and alumni are the University of San Diego. These and many other persons have worked very hard since the founding of USD in 1949 to build a quality university. The philosophy and mission of USD emphasizes the idea of personal and academic integrity.  Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated in any form. Helping each other study is anticipated. However, only original work will be accepted. There will be no sharing of materials during tests. All assignments unless otherwise noted are individual assignments. If an incident of academic dishonesty occurs in this course the student will receive a grade of "F" for the semester and could possibly face further disciplinary action.

Attendance may be taken on a random basis. It is in the student's best interest to attend class every day. 100 points are allocated towards attendance and class participation/professionalism. Failure to be in class when attendance is taken will result in 0 points awarded for that session. This includes being late after attendance has been taken or leaving class early.

Due to the subject matter of this course it is very important that every student obtain an email account either from the University or from a private provider of the student’s selection as various assignments will be need to submitted via email. In addition course announcements may be distributed via electronic form. It is the student’s responsibility to check their email account on a regular basis during the duration of the course.

Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. There will be no late assignments accepted. These projects are to be done individually unless otherwise specified and are to be submitted on the assigned due date and the assigned time.



Grade Weights

 Point Value

Test One


Test Two 100

Final Paper


Final Project


Homework, Assignments, and Projects/Presentations/Quizzes


Class Participation/Professionalisn and Attendance


TOTAL Points


Other notes regarding assignments. Your programming assignments will be evaluated on two major criteria:

    1. quality of the source code
    2. performance of the program

Quality of the source code is evaluated based on the use of meaningful variable names, formatting to improve readability and modularity of the design of the code. Performance of the code is evaluated with respect to criteria such as correctness of output, error handling, etc.

Some assignments may contain an extra credit sections that you may chose to attempt to better your performance. This section is an enhancement of the basic program and will not be graded until the performance criteria of the regular assignment are completely filled.

In general, programming assignments receive the following base grades for performance:

No Assignment 0%
Assignment will not load 40%
Assignment will Load but not run 60%
Assignment will run with incorrect answers 75%
Assignment will run with correct answers 90%

Indentation, commenting, modular structure and general presentation make up the remaining 10%. This scale assumes that a significant effort is made to the assignment.

Programming assignments will be a significant part of your activity in this class and as such are a significant part of your grade. I strongly advise that you do not wait until the last minute to start working on your programming assignment. Although the individual assignments differ, concepts from one assignment carry over to the next. Ask questions, use my time and my office hours but do not let yourself fall behind on programming assignments.







Total Points

A+ >970
A 931-969



B+ 870-899
B 831-869



C+ 770-799
C 731-769

C -


D+ 670-699



D- 600-630




Important NOTICE: This grading scale is extremely strict. You must have the exact minimum number of points to receive the grade you desire, that is exactly 970 is an A+, but 96.9 (or 969.9999) is a A, and so on. Therefore note that in advance all petitions to round up to the higher point value will be denied. 


Monday 9 March 2009                         Spring Break- No Classes
Friday 3 April 2009                              Last Day To Withdrawal from classes
Monday 13 April 2009                          Easter Break - No Classes
Monday 11 May 2009                           Last Day of Classes

 Also note the instructor reserves the right to modify or change any part of this syllabus at any time.