University of San Diego

School of Business Administration
ITMG 360: Data Communications and Computer Networks

Spring 2013
Independent Study


Instructor                     Dr. Carl M. Rebman, Jr.
Office:                           Coronado 212
Office Hours:                T       8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                     W      2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                     TH     1:00 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. AND 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                      Other times by appointment.
Office Phone:                (619) 260-4135 (and Voice-Mail)
Home Phone:                 (619) 283-6690
Course Web Site 


Course Description

This course introduces the concepts and technology related to the design and function of data communication networks used in business. Various protocols, topologies and configurations used in modern data communications networks are studied and evaluated. The characteristics, engineering and economic trade-offs among the essential hardware and software components are studied. Lastly, the course will introduce hands-on applications including building computers, loading operating systems, and networking computers together.

Course Objectives

This course is broken up into two major sections. The first part emphasizes data communication theories and principles. The second part combines theory with practical hands-on applications including building computers and physical networking.

Course Text and Materials:
Text Book: Business Data Communications: Introductory Concepts and Techniques by Shelly, Cashman, Serwatka, published by Thomson/Course Technology, ISBN: 0-7895-6806-3
Additional readings and materials as assigned by the Instructor on a periodic basis--these materials will be either printed out, placed on the course website, or placed on the University's E-RES system.




Test 1


Test 2 100

Final Exam













Course requirements


There are three tests and one research paper are required of you for this class. The tests are not comprehensive, however, concepts learned in earlier sections apply to later ones and hence there is a carry over of material from one test to another.

Make-up Exams:
There are NO make-up exams. Students missing a scheduled exam due to a PRE-ARRANGED excused absence will be allowed to take a final exam that will count as 30% of his/her final grade.

Makeup and late work:

Late work is not acceptable unless previously discussed with the instructor for emergency or medical reasons. Missed tests and late work cannot be made up without prior arrangement.

You, your colleagues, faculty, staff, and alumni are the University of San Diego. These and many other persons have worked very hard since the founding of USD in 1949 to build a quality university. The philosophy and mission of USD emphasizes the idea of personal and academic integrity. The followining is a synopsis of the academic integrity policy. For more information click on this hyperlink

“All members of the University community share the responsibility for maintaining an environment of academic integrity since academic dishonesty is a threat to the University. Acts of academic dishonesty include: a) unauthorized assistance on an examination; b) falsification or invention of data; c) unauthorized collaboration on an academic exercise; d) plagiarism; e) misappropriation of resource materials; f) any unauthorized access of an instructor's files or computer account; or g) any other serious violation of academic integrity as established by the instructor.”

Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated in any form. Helping each other study is anticipated. However, only original work will be accepted. There will be no sharing of materials, wearing hats, or using cell phones/PDAs during tests. All assignments unless otherwise noted are individual assignments. If an incident of academic dishonesty occurs in this course the student will receive a grade of "F" for the semester and could possibly face further disciplinary action.

Absence in the event of an officially sanctioned University event, in which the student is a participating member, may be excused if the instructor is notified, in writing, by the faculty sponsor (coach, instructor, etc.) of such activity prior to the absence. All other absences are UNEXCUSED, including doctor's excuses. Each student is given credit per session for attendance.
Furthermore failure to attend more than 50% of all class sessions may result in failing the course. Each student is also expected to provide a contribution through class discussions and group projects. Lastly, professionalism is also taken very seriously. It is very important that proper attention/respect be given towards instructor/guest lectures and student presentations and contributions.

Teaching Method:
The student is expected to have read assigned materials as listed on the course schedule prior to each class. The class discussions/lectures are intended to emphasize the primary concepts from each reading and to provide an opportunity to answer any questions that may result from the readings.

Research Topic Paper:
The research paper is designed to give you an opportunity to learn about a topic of your choice which may not be covered in great detail in class and share this information with the class. You are required to submit a 10-page research paper (double spaced, 12-point font not including appendices or bibliography) that discusses the relevant material of the topic that you have chosen. It would be helpful to you if you clearly define your research topic so that you do not overburden yourself with the volume of information that is available. To this end, you are required to:

·         to decide on a topic of interest by the third week of class and submit a proposed research plan. This should be in the form of an informal, one page, outline of your research proposal that includes your research topic, your areas of interest within that topic and your proposed plan of research (assignment grade).

·         Submit an outline of your research paper in October (assignment grade).

·         Submit a first draft of your paper in November.

·         The final research paper is due on the last day of class.

The final grade you receive on the paper is cumulative sum of the individual grades received on the first draft and the final paper submission.  I will be happy to provide any additional information and assistance that you may need to make the research paper as worthwhile and instructional for you as possible.

Assignments/In Class Project(s)
During the course of the semester you will gain hands-on experience working, rebuilding, and networking computers together. Most of the work will be completed in class, however some work will be required outside of class that will be graded as an assignment. In some cases you will be asked to write a report describing the steps you engaged in during the lab session. In the event you are unable to attend the class session it is your responsibility to ensure that your project does not fall behind in completion.

Extra Credit
Students may obtain extra credit by submitting a proposal for extra topics to be discussed in class. More points will be awarded for presentations made regarding such topics. In order to obtain extra credit the proposal must be submitted and approved by the instructor prior to start of the project.




















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Important NOTICE: This grading scale is extremely strict. You must have the exact minimum number of points to receive the grade you desire, that is exactly 970 is an A+, but 96.9 (or 969.9999) is a A, and so on. Therefore note that in advance all petitions to round up to the higher point value will be denied. 

 Also note the instructor reserves the right to modify or change any part of this syllabus at any time.

Please note the instructor reserves the right to modify any part of this syllabus.