Assignment five (60 points) Assignment guidelines
You are to create a wordpress Blog about a topic that you have choosen from the above list.
Content= Create this blog presentation as you would approach creating a powerpoint presentation. Keep your content brief and effective. Try to use bullet points as much as possible. Choose a video that is engaging and adds value to your presentation. Do not select a video that explains your topic as you already have within the presentation.
Presentation contained a brief and effective introduction.
Main ideas were easy to follow and understand.
Video was logical, and useful.
Additional examples were helpful.
Visuals were understandable, visible, and correct.
Conclusion was satisfying and gave a sense of closure.
Layout is easy to read and understand.
Was poised, confident, and in control of the audience
Made eye contact
Spoke clearly, distinctly, and naturally
Level of knowledge of Audience was considered
Kody Allen