ITMG 320 Assignment Eleven  (45 points total)  Due Tuesday  27 April 2021  

As a group make selection of a DBMS to investigate ( ie. MariaDB, SQL LITE, Oracle, MySQL, Postgresql) and compare it to MS SQL

As a group review and make a selection of GUI/IDE/SQL tool (SQL WORKBENCH, DBeaver, Sequel Pro, TablesPlus, dbVisualizer or other)

Determine pro/cons and present your decision in the form of a presentation

At the end of presentation, class will rank vote

1. R&R Oracle, SQL Workbench

2, Tom, Bennett My SQL, Sequel Pro

3. Daniel, Maeve, SQLLIte, Tables Plus

4. Marco, Gui, Darvyn Postgresql, db visualizer

5. Nicole, Maggie IBM DB2, DBeaver